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BV: 11.63
Garlic is used as a carminative, aphrodisiac, expectorant and stimulant It even possesses anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, hypolipidemic, anticoagulant, hypoproteinemic, hypocholesterolemic, antibacterial, antifungal, antihypertensive and hypoglycemic action Allium sativum is a nerve stimulant and revigorating tonic that has been known for its value in cases of sexual weakness It has also been tested recently for cases of nervous debility that volatile oil contains allicin (diallyl thiosulphate), an active odorous principle in lasuna Garlic is widely recognized for its ability to fight bacteria, viruses, fungi and even parasites Dosage:1Capsule Twice Daily
Garlic (lasuna) extract 500mg. Helps to control cholesterol level Provides healthy cardiovascular support Possess properties of an aphrodisiac, stimulant, and expectorant Contains the ability to fight bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Garveish Lasuna Capsule contains the extracts of Allium sativum bulb and the compound preparation possesses pharmacodynamic properties. The extract of garlic was found to have a significant protective action against a fat-induced increase in serum cholesterol, plasma fibrinogen and fibrinolytic activity.